Thursday, January 17, 2013

To Be Understood - Deeply

Jodie Foster at the Golden Globes on 1/13/13 said, I am "still here, I still am, and I want to be understood, deeply and to not be so very lonely."  My heart broke hearing this statement.  Who hasn't wanted to be understood to this depth?   Who hasn't wanted to share their deepest, innermost thoughts and passions with someone who genuinely cares? To be profoundly understood "far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious" as defined at . To be understood to the depths of one's soul.  I know I have wanted this kind of relationship. We were made for this kind of a relationship. And whom else should know us even better than we know ourselves, other than our creator.  Psalm 139 - 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  You better believe He understands you. And He loves you!

Max Lucado states, "...there is nothing on earth that can satisfy our deepest longing.  We long to see God...  -- and we won't be satisfied until we do."
1 Timothy - 6 Serving God does make us very rich, if we are satisfied with what we have. 7 We brought nothing into the world, so we can take nothing out. 8 But, if we have food and clothes, we will be satisfied with that. 9 Those who want to become rich bring temptation to themselves and are caught in a trap. They want many foolish and harmful things that ruin and destroy people. 10 The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have left the faith, because they wanted to get more money, but they have caused themselves much sorrow. 

SO..."Stop looking everywhere and just look up."