Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"The Truth Will Set You Free."...Really?

John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  Why does this concept seem so lost in our time, even by Christians?  Is it just that we don't understand what "truth" is?  Have we been so deceived and tainted by it all?  Or are we just hard of hearing?

One week ago today, I think I broke my toe.  I would like to note, I tolerate pain well, very well.  Probably better than I should for my own good.  I knew and had been told by other people in the medical field, that if it is just the pinky toe broken, nothing would be done.  So I decide to give it 24 hours even though my toe was throbbing and I was trying to numb the pain with continuous icing.  The next day my foot was pretty swollen, tender, and bruised.  I went to the employee clinic to have a professional check it out, just in case there was a fracture in my foot.  At which point I told the PA, my pain was so bad on the first day I would rather give child birth, thinking he might send me for an x-ray.  He proceeded to look at it and tell me the same thing...if it is broken, nothing will be done about it.  He also stated that we have to go through a little pain to build up tolarance. Which I again clarified to him, I have a high tolerance to pain and would have rather given birth.  Looking back, I think maybe I should have lifted up a poster that said, "Here's your sign!"

Jesus was transparent.  He had no hidden agendas, no deep pockets.  He did not hide his tears or his fears.  Do we as Christians do the same?  When someone bears their heart and soul, do we judge or do we love by showing the compassion of Christ?  Do we say to them, you have to go through a little pain to build up tolarance?  Or maybe we say, I would never have done that.  Seems the actual showing of love and compassion like Christ is rare, even though we say that is our response.  I'm not even sure we comprehend the truth, love or compassion like Christ.  We try, but yet we fall so short of His example.

The truth foot does have a fracture no matter what the PA told me.


The truth is...God is guiding me to a particular direction no matter what other Christians or sinners tell  me.

This truth...His truth sets me free!  REALLY!


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