Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One Body

My pastor said, we Christians have let worship separate us.  And God told him, the way we worship is just human preference.  I had thought that many times myself.  This morning, I am reading in 1 Corinthians 12 :12-31 about every believer being a member of Christ's body, with their own special talents.  But it also speaks about "the body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ...whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free - and we were all given the one Spirit to drink."

This just reinforces for me whether Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, on and on..., as long as we believe in the one true God, who sent His son that lived, died, and rose again, then all Christians are one body in Christ. Just think if we, all Christians as one body in Christ exercised in love the gifts of ministry together, without religious division.  Have we been tricked by the evil one again with separation of forces?  Everyone has heard the saying, "more power in numbers." Maybe we could put a stop to world hunger, human trafficking, and only God knows what else. 

Begin loving on your fellow Christian today.  You know the one with a different opinion and preference as to how he or she likes to worship God. The one you typically want to debate with on that point of how to properly worship. Let God handle those details.   After all, He is God and love is "the most excellent way."

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